Listing a Plugin in the Marketplace


Do you already have a Plugin that you developed for previous versions of Mautic? Please see the Updating existing Plugins for usage with the Marketplace section below.

Preparing your Plugin for the Marketplace


It’s critical that you follow the steps below carefully. Things like typos in the bundle name can crash Mautic and require users to issue some command line commands to get back into a working state.

When you create a Plugin, there’s a few requirements to verify before listing it in the Mautic Marketplace.

Step 1: checking your composer.json file

The first important step is to validate whether your composer.json file has all the required information in it.

Here’s an example composer.json file:

    "name": "example-vendor/plugin-example",
    "description": "Example Plugin",
    "type": "mautic-plugin",
    "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
    "keywords": ["mautic","plugin","integration"],
    "extra": {
        "install-directory-name": "ExampleBundle"
    "require": {
        "php": ">=8.0 <8.1",
        "ext-zip": "^1.15",
        "mautic/core-lib": "^5.0"

In addition to the information you already have in the composer.json for your Plugin, please add:

  • type must have value mautic-plugin. The Marketplace is filtering PHP packages by this tag. It’s required to show up in the Marketplace.

  • extra.install-directory-name specifies the directory name for the bundle. Correct directory name is important for PSR4 autoloading. It must be the same as in the namespace in your PHP classes.

  • require.php be sure to specify the PHP version range that you test the Plugin against. Ideally it should be the same as the Mautic’s Mautic supported PHP versions. Don’t allow users to install the Plugin on versions that aren’t supported.

  • require.ext-* if your Plugin require some PHP extension, please list them in the require section too. As servers can have a wide variety of extensions enabled, this ensures that the correct extensions are available.

  • require.mautic/core-lib it’s important to specify which Mautic versions your Plugin supports. Include only the versions you or your community have tested and confirmed the Plugin works with.

Step 2: verify best practices

There’s a few things which are highly recommend when creating Plugins for Mautic. Please refer to the Best practices page for more details.

Step 3: publish your package

When the composer.json is ready, follow the Packagist section directly in Packagist.

Step 4: apply for the allowlist

While the Mautic Marketplace is still in beta, you’ll have to apply for the allowlist to show up in the Marketplace. Please refer to the Allow list: what is it and why is it needed? page for more details.

Updating existing Plugins for usage with the Marketplace

If you required mautic/composer-plugin in your plugin’s dependencies in the past, please remove it. Support for Mautic plugins is now built into Composer, so you only have to set the type to mautic-plugin and Composer will automatically install your plugin into the plugins folder.

Next to that, if you built your Plugin for Mautic 4 originally, please read the guide for the breaking changes in Mautic 5.

When you’re done, you can go back to the Preparing your Plugin for the Marketplace section in this document and proceed from there.