Getting started with Form hooks

You can use Mautic’s support for Form hooks to enhance or customize the Form experience when embedded into your third party websites.


Form hooks are only supported when embedding Forms into your website manually or through the automatic methods. They don’t work with iFrames.

The first step is to embed the following JavaScript code once into the head of your website. The MauticFormCallback object contains the hooks for the named forms.

if (typeof MauticFormCallback == 'undefined') {
    var MauticFormCallback = {};

You can define hooks for multiple Forms using the API name of the Form as follows:

MauticFormCallback['formname1'] = {
    // define hooks here

MauticFormCallback['formname2'] = {
    // define hooks here


Define the Form hooks somewhere in the DOM before the code that loads the Form.

You’ll need to view the HTML of the Form to find it’s API name. The easiest way to do this is to browse to the Form’s details in Mautic then click the “Manual Copy” button. Look for the following in the second box:

<form autocomplete="false" role="form" method="post" action="" id="mauticform_thisismytestform" data-mautic-form="thisismytestform" enctype="multipart/form-data">

The API name is the value for the data-mautic-form attribute which in this case is thisismytestform.

You’ll define the Form’s hooks as JavaScript methods in the correlated MauticFormCallback index. For example, to add custom validation, you would script something like the following:

MauticFormCallback['formname1'] = {
    // other hooks

    onValidate: function () {
        var email = document.getElementById('mauticform_input_formname1_email').value;
        if (email.includes('')) {
            alert('Please use a work email address.');

            // return FALSE to stop the Form submission
            return FALSE;

        // return NULL|void to continue with default validation or return TRUE to skip it

    // more hooks